1. I've been experiencing technical difficulties with my computer lately. For example: When I go to Google, I get a 404 page. Luckily, that won't be a big issue. I can always ask friends for assisstance whenever I am struggling.
2. An awesome learning experience I had was when I was in 5th grade. Every student who got good grades would be part of a popcorn party. Whenever I get food for great effort, I am more than willing to try. Food is good, but after 5th grade I learned that you can't always expect a reward for your accomplishments.
3. I am curious as to how the whole blog system will work. So far, it is understandable and I am haveing a great time with the blog and this form of teaching. I believe that this method of teaching will give me a new perspective on learning and I am looking forward to it.
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