Monday, September 17, 2012

Vocabulary: Fall List #5

1. allude: to refer to something the author thinks you should know.
 ex. Hawthorne alludes to Adam & Eve in "Young Goodman Brown".
2. clairvoyant: able to perceive things beyond the senses.
 ex. The clairvoyant did more than just read minds.
3. conclusive: final or decisive.
 ex. The jury was conclusive with their decision.
4. disreputable: of poor reputation.
 ex. A student with bad grades is disreputable with the school.
5. endemic: provasive in a particular place.
 ex. Hunger is endemic in the cafeteria.

6. exemplary: good enough to be a model.
 ex. The project that received a great grade is exemplary.
7. fathom: to understand.
 ex. Some can't fathom geometry.
8. guile: to trick; trickyness.
 ex. People guile others on April Fool's Day.
9. integrety: doing what you say, doing waht you mean.
 ex. You need integrety to back up your words.
10. itinerary: a trip schedule.
 ex. An airline gives you an itinerary to know when your flight departs.
11. misconstrue: misunderstand; misrepresent.
 ex. The translator misconstrued the phrase.
12. obnoxious: rude.
 ex. Some students can be obnoxious.
13. placate: calm down or satisfy.
 ex. Milk could placate a baby.
14. placid: calm or peaceful.
 ex. Dolphins are usually placid.
15. plagiarism: taking someone else's work and representing it as your own.
 ex. Plagiarism is a big issue in schools.
16. potent: powerful.
 ex. The smell of the food was potent.
17. pretext: text before the text.
 ex. Before we read the story, we read the pretext.
18. pertrude: stick out.
 ex. Mountains pertrude from the Earth.
19. stark: obvious or clear.
 ex. The answer to the question is stark.
20. superficial: shallow; at the surface.
 ex. You can't judge a book by what's superficial.

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